lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2009

La Merce

October 12, 2009 Les Festes de la Merçè (September 24-27)

The first La Merçè activity that I attended was the Correfok or Fire run. My roommate and best friend Annie Thompson and I took the metro to Placa Catalunya. We were not sure where exactly to go but we just started walking along with the crowds. All of the sudden we started to see sparks of fire and hundreds of people in the streets. We squeezed our way through the crowd until we were within a few feet of the enormous metal dragons spiting out fire and flames. I have to admit I was a little frightened and overwhelmed by the massive amount of people and the constant, intense banging of the marching parades drums. I also was worried of getting burned by the flames. I did not come prepared and was wearing a sleeveless dress. My friend Annie was a bit more fearless than me and was on a mission to get the perfect picture of the metal dragons. I stood back and tried to take cover in the crowd. After about an hour of banging drums, dragon after dragon Annie and I decided to walk up the street to a resturante called La Rosa Negra.

It was a small festive Mexican restaurant where we enjoyed Mojitos! I had really been missing Mexican food like they make in the states and this resturant hit the spot! I had chicken tacos and chips and guacamole. It was a little different than home but I’m not complaining.

Las "Castells"

In Catalonia there is a very popular tradition of human towers. My friend Annie and went to Las Castells on a Saturday. It was about 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit and

EXTREMELY sunny. We walked to Placa Jamuel and went to the city center. I don't think I have ever seen as many people in my life crowded around one square. Annie and I weassled our way into the crowd in order to see the towers. The skill and concentration is took these Catalans was absolutely incredible. We watched tower after tower slowly being formed. On tower in particular was erected right in front of the Mayor. The every top was a made of two 5 year old girls. As each level was making its way down two Catalan men in the middle of the tower stopped. Raised their hands in the air and yelled out of sheer excitement, pride and accomplishment. The entire crowd went crazy. At that moment, I was sweating and excited and I almost felt as if I were Catalan. I was so excited and pride to have watched this tower constructed infront of my eyes. The energy and excitement was contagious. Even though I would never be considered Catalan but at the moment a window into the pride and national spirit of Catalonia was opened to me.

Placa Espanya I love you. You are magical and excited and captivating with your music and light show :) Be mine!