miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2009

Cerveceria Catalana

Mood: full, content, huggable

weekend travels: Paris <3

Cerveceria Catalana is a beer bar and a tapas restaurant. It is considered one of the best places in the city to try the more tasty tapas. I have been here 3 times during my stay in Barcelona. The first time I went to Cerveceria Catalana was in October with my parents. The hotel we were staying suggested that we try the resturant and I absolutely loved it. I had eaten a good amount of tapas by this point but the atmosphere and crowded ambiance really won me over. The food was delicious! I had a difficult time explaining to my parents that in Spain, dinner is usually served between 9 p.m. and 11 p.m. I know I speak for myself as well as my parents when I say I had a little bit of a difficult time adjusting to the eating habits of the Spanish. For example, I am used to

a very hardy breakfast and a light mid day snack which holds me over until an relatively early dinner. While, in spain lunch is usually served between 1 and 3 p.m. and dinner is much later and lighter. However, I absolutely love tapas especially because they are often very strongly flavored with garlic, chilies or paprika, cumin, salt, pepper, and usually plentiful in olive oil. My absolute favorite tapas Tortilla with fried chunks of potatoes and onions. I also love Pincho moruno and off course, pan amt tomato and patatas bravas. I basically love all tapas and I wish I could take the yummy assortment of tapas home with me. I just love to eat J I would say possibly one of my favorite hobbies. I’m really going to miss Cerveceria Catalana and the light on the go bar atmosphere of food in Spain.

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