martes, 8 de diciembre de 2009

Maritim Museum

Oct. 14, 2009

Today was a beautiful day in the city. It was about 75 degrees and absolutely gorgeous. We met at the Martim Museum and the building was gorgeous. It was a stone building covered in green vines. There were three main columns with large arched ceilings. While I was in DRassanes and near the ship year I just imagined ships being built and people running around the area. We saw smaller boats, which were used to fish the Mediterranean and help support local live styles for the people of Barcelona. I began to wonder if the Mediterranean was more plentiful then because I remembered that the Mediterranean has been fished forever and has few fish in it today. The sea is dead. I also thought that it was rather ironic that we went to the Maritim Museum two days after the National Holiday in Spain that celebrated Christopher Columbus founding America. I’m not sure if Xavie planned that or if it was a mere coincidence but I found it refreshing and very relevant.

For some reason being in that museum made me flash back to the fourth grade. In the fourth grade I distinctly remember reading out United States history books and learning about Castellan royalty paying Christopher Columbus for his travels to America. I felt some sort of bizarre parallel with that moment from the past. I felt that the knowledge I had learned so many years ago was coming full circle and I was on the completely other end of the spectrum.

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