miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2009

My Catalan Friend Kyke

Many people have a very poor opinion of Kyke however; in my experience he has shown me great hospitality and taught me a great deal about Catalonia. He may be a club promoter and love drinking with American’s but a friend who came abroad last year told him to watch after me and he did exactly that. Kyke treated my best friend Annie and I see the movie Agora because we were homesick and missed going to the movies yet, we decided to see a movie in Spanish J. He then took us out to drinks at a 5 star hotel on the Port (Offcourse he never failed to mention to us that the 5 star hotel was owned by a Catalan). Just being around him I picked up many nuances about his culture. We asked him questions such has what type of school he attended? He explained that he went a concertado

which is a type of half public have private school that is very common in Spain. He also explained to us the Catalan Pride behind the nightlife in Barcelona. He explained to us that all of the clubs we attend are owned by Catalans. For example, Opium Mar, Shoko, Catwalk and Sutton are all Catalan run clubs. This in itself shows just a glimpse into the Spanish and Catalan culture of late nights and free loving Mediterranean parties. He also explained how when doing business, Catalans LOVE to talk badly about the other club owners and competition. This is a concept that I am very new too. I understand the notion of talking badly about competition but the extent and commonality of it here is almost depressing. He explained that none of the Catalan club owners like each other, naturally. Also, the way Kyke spoke about this was so easy going and nonchalant. His truthfulness was to the point of being blunt yet it did not even phase him. It was definitely a cultural difference in the way business is run and handled by people in Catalonia. Seems as if no one trusts each other and constantly strives bring others down around them. While in the states often times we harvest a more team mentality.

We then began to ask Kyke about the type of woman he is in interested and what a typical “Catalan” woman is like. I tried to keep in mind that his opinions were extremely bias however, I found them fascinating. A direct quote that from Kyke was, “I am 100% Catalan and my wife MUST be a Catalan woman”. Just the way that he said this still rings in my head today. Almost with a hint of arrogance but yet, an underlining pride that I completely understand. Even in the States, my mom stresses to me over and over that I need to find a specific type of man to marry. However, speaking with Kyke gave me a little window into the mind of a Catalan man. Once again continuing to piece together my Catalan puzzle. I honestly think that Kyke is a great guy and Catalan man which intentions of making friends and having fun. He may promote clubs and drinking and thwart true immersion into Spanish culture, but I was lucky enough to sit down and talk to him face to face and really understand what he is all about. When I look back on my 3 months in Barcelona Kyke was someone that I could go to for any question or concern that I had and he truly was one of my only Catalan friends.

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