miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2009

FC Barca!

FC Barcelona v Cultural Leonesa

November 10, 2009

Barca, Barca, Barca. Went to a FC Barcelona game and it was everything I expected and more. For some, reason I didn’t realize how much I missed going to sporting events until now. The roar of the crowd and the excitement of rooting for your home team really hit close to home. A few friends and I grabbed some drinks at a near by bar before the game. A wave of enthusiasm swept over me as I walked up to the stadium. We were a few block

s away and after turning the corner the stadium stood starring at me. The place of so much athleticism, competition and rivalry was inviting me in. This stadium where the BEST soccer players in the world came to compete. We decided to buy some cheap tickets and even though the were playing a lower ranked team, Cultural Leonesa, I knew that would mean a definite win and lots of GOALLLSSSS!!! I was so happy by the end of the game when the final score was 5-0! I had been to my first Soccer match ever and seen 5 professional goals. I was alsi really happy that I had been taught some previous knowledge of the meaning and importance of soccer for the people of Catalonia. The phrase "Més que un club" (More than a club) really began to take on a new meaning and life form to me after the game. Even though the stadium wasn’t sold out an imagine of the intensity and Catalan pride was painted in my head. EVERYONE had on FC Barca gear and it almost made me want to draw the parallel between America’s notion of Great Pass time of America-Baseball mixed with the intense team spirit you would witness as a Oakland, Raiders football game. However, one stark difference is the political ties that are interwoven with this popular culture. Catalan’s have been a very suppressed Nationality and after the rise of the Franco dictatorship they have a great deal of pride and nationality for their culture. FC Barcelona being one of them. We also cannot forget the great rivalry between REAL MADRID and FC Barcelona, which directly correlates with political issues of Catalans vs. Castellan’s. Regardless, of my separation and little knowledge of the meaning and deep-rooted ties people have with FC Barca I felt the energy, excitement and pride in Camp Nou. I will never forget my new favorite soccer team.

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