jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2009

Drugs in Catalonia

Desciende el consumo de alcohol y cannabis en Catalunya y sube el de cocaína

8/12/2009 | Ciudadanos Lavanguardia-Article from Monday

While reading the Lavanguardia one article caught my eye in particular. This article spoke about drug use in Catalonia. This is an issue that I have been very curious about for the past 3 months while studying in Barcelona. Coming from Berkeley, California I have a very liberal point of view on drug use especially Cannabis because it is practically legal and EXTREMELY common. For some reason people seem like they do a lot of drugs in Barcelona. I also have been curious because I feel as if talking about this with teachers or older Catalans might be rather taboo. The article says that in recent years there has been a decline in the consumption of alcohol and cannabis in all age groups - 67.7% of the population that consumed it in the last month for alcohol in 2003 to 61.9% after four years and 11.4% to 9.7% in the case of cannabis - while slightly increased cocaine use - from 0.7% to 2.6% -- According to data from the Regional Ministry of Health released today. I found this a little bit confusing. But, possibly with the economic recession people have less money to spend on buying drinks in bars and weed in the streets. However, I would still think that WITH the recession and unemployment rates many people would turn to drugs and alcohol use.

Before I came to Barcelona I was talking to a family friend who travels the world to work in fashion and hair. She had traveled to Barcelona many times and was offering me tid-bits of advice for my travels. The one thing that scared me a little bit is that she said there is a lot of heroin in Barcelona especially around the Club scene. However, in my experience thankfully I have not encountered this. This article presents a relevant fact that cocaine has replaced heroin use. I have run into some cocaine in my experiences in Barcelona and with the club scene I can see why it is rather prevalent.

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