miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2009


Here we are now…in Spain…6,000 miles away from my boyfriend my mom my dad my two older brothers always looking over me oh and my best friends. Things in Spain and Europe soar and crash from the laughter of pleasure, excitement of traveling, new cultures and meeting new people. However, there are always the dips into the dark depths of isolation, depression, loneliness and frustration. The moment my computer crashed and every file, document, skype application, email and music where erased in a matter of seconds. Seemed like my whole world slipped away as my computer screen flashed green. Oh, wait don't

worry though Spain doesn’t run off Macs and there is no such thing as an Apple Store in Barcelona. Forced me to fend for myself and stand on my own two feet. No way to communicate with my loved ones and do school work. = ISOLATION. Just another plunge on the roller coaster of life. The upside loop of breaking up with relationships back home, Language barriers, spending excessive amounts on traveling issues and just plain getting lost. Thank god, all of those things are balanced out by the best trips and experiences of my life. Just living with one of my best friends in a foreign country to explore and be free is more than a girl can ask for. Annie Thompson, my best friend has helped me soar through the clouds and pulled me out of some very dark places. We have traveled to Paris, Portugal, Dublin, Amsterdam, Munich and Switzerland. Each place filled with new life experiences and travels. At the time nothing else mattered besides friends, laugher, food and fun.

The moment my mom and dad came to Barcelona tear cames to my eyes. I felt so accomplished because I was living on my own and could act as there own tour guides. I took them to Shoko and Sagrada Familia and Parc Guell.

Other Pinnacles include clubbing, Opium Mar after 3 cocktails just dancing and singing to techno beats. Ups and Downs, Ins and outs, friends and foes, immaturity and maturity.

THIS IS IT all on the emotional roller coaster of EUROPE.

I just think and feel thankful for those who have helped me and support me along the way. Constantly sending their love and positive energy my way. J Sometimes I don’t know whether to laugh or cry….But if Spain has taught me one thing and one thing only its that every up has a down and that ever thing in life changes.

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